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RIP Nancy Anderson

Citizens Action for Free and Fair Elections (CAFFE) and the Independent
Jamaican Council for Human Rights (IJCHR) are deeply saddened by the passing
on November 29 of Miss Nancy Anderson, C.D. Miss Anderson has been an
invaluable member and officer of CAFFE, having served as Parish Coordinator
for Kingston and St. Andrew over many decades and a Director and Secretary
of the organisation.
Miss Anderson was born in the USA but adopted Jamaica as her home and
became a Jamaican citizen. She was a great volunteer in public service. She
also served as a Director of Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights
(IJCHR) and Secretary of the Jamaican Bar Association. She was a pioneer in
the institution of a civil society initiative to expand legal aid facilities in
Jamaica. She was also instrumental in providing legal assistance to prisoners
and in revealing the maltreatment of those who were mentally ill. She
motivated students whom she engaged in these activities. Miss Anderson
appeared in many important human rights cases in the highest courts,
including Lambert Watson v The Queen (the mandatory death penalty case),
IJCHR v Marshall-Burnett (the Caribbean Court of Justice case) and Shanique
Myrie v. State of Barbados (the Caricom freedom of movement case).
She distinguished herself as Coach and Manager of the Norman Manley Law
School Moot Competition Team which won the world championship for four
successive years.
Miss Anderson was never afraid of taking on difficult tasks or reluctant to give
her services free of costs to the poor when the need existed and the cause was

CAFFE and IJCHR will surely miss her. May her soul rest in peace.


Director, CAFFE & IJCHR

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